Thursday, February 4, 2016

Saying yes

One of my 2016 goals is to say YES more often.  During 2015, I was finding all sorts of rubbish reasons to not do things.  I missed the Titanic exhibition in Johannesburg because I was busy and the location was inconvenient for me.  I missed seeing Engelbert Humperdink live in concert because the show was on a week night and I had early meetings the next morning.  What rubbish!  I frustrate myself sometimes.  So I'm working on saying YES more often...
The first big YES of the year was my solitary trip to Black Rhino Lodge in January.  My second big YES was to see Madame Zingara.  The show closes in Johannesburg at the end of January, so Leonie and I made a spur of the moment decision to book and go to the show at Montecasino.  It was a great show, the food was delicious, the service a bit crappy, and I enjoyed getting a bit dressed up and spending time out with Leonie.

His name is Cathy

PS : I've booked to see the Titanic Exhibition in Cape Town during February -YES!


  1. Everybody that I know that saw the show was impressed...sadly we never see these shows in Port Elizabeth.

  2. Glad you made that spur of the moment decision ~ It certainly is something we all need to do more of. It definitely is a show I would have liked to see and will be waiting in anticipation for when it returns to Jhb again.
